Charbonnel et Walker is Britain's first luxury chocolatier.
Their chocolates are handmade to traditional recipes,
using the finest ingredients and original moulds
dating back to Mme Charbonnel's time.
Mrs Walker herself made their silk chocolate boxes
by hand when the business began in 1875.
One correspondent commented in the 1890s:
"Their sweet boxes are real bijoux,
and when the bonbonniere is empty of its sweet contents,
the box will form either a jewel casket,
or a handkerchief box, etc.,
and is always a little gem of artistic work."
One of Britain's finest chocolatiers, with over 140 years
of unique heritage, Charbonnel et Walker
has revived this tradition of having their silk boxes
handcrafted by independent British designer makers
for their fine English chocolates. |